Sunday, October 2, 2016

Figurines, Pillsbury, March 1975

Figurines were a brand of popular diet bars most popular during the 1970s, although they continued to be available for a number of years afterward. The bars were not particularly large, about the size of the average granola bar, but they were surprisingly filling. As the ad stated, two of the 138-calorie bars were supposed to be the nutritional equivalent of a complete meal. I recall my mom (who didn't need to diet; I think she liked them more for the convenience) took them to work to eat during her lunch break.

I don't recall ever trying the Vanilla or Raspberry flavors. I may have had the Chocolate Caramel variety on an occasion or two, but I mainly remember the regular Chocolate flavor. They were good, not quite as tasty as a candy bar but not at all bad either.

It's unclear exactly when Figurines were discontinued, but I don't recall seeing much advertising for them after the late '70s or perhaps early '80s. By then they may have become more of a niche item.

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